Shannon is an experienced provider for a variety of services.
Find which services meet your unique needs. Package options are available.
Childbirth Education
A quality, evidence based and holistic childbirth education course to prepare you for your labor and birth. Become informed about your body, your birth, and caring for your baby through the unique lens of scripture.
Prenatal Consultation
Perhaps you are not interested in having a doula supported birth, but you do desire to become informed about your options and feel confident about your choices in childbirth. A one time 2-3 hour consultation with Shannon can get you prepared for your birth.
Doula Support
Be well supported as you prepare for, labor and birth your baby. Shannon will meet with you prenatally, attend your birth, and follow up postpartum, making sure you have the support and resources you need.
Placenta Encapsulation
It's not just about your birth, it's about your postpartum too. Start your postpartum recovery period by utilizing a healthy and natural resource.