Please electronically sign below to indicate that you have read, reviewed and agree to the preceding information, as well as the following:
I have read, understood, and agreed to the above procedures, information, and statements of policy.
By electronically signing my name below, I give my consent to release my healthy placenta to my specialist for the purposes of encapsulation.
I accept the responsibility of gaining possession of the placenta after the birth, handling and immediate cooling/storage of the placenta appropriately prior to the specialist taking possession of it, and notifying the specialist of my birth within 72 hours while the placenta is being appropriately cooled and stored.
I authorize the processing of my placenta for preparation.
I have honestly disclosed my health history and all pertinent health details and preparation preferences on this form.
I understand that upon receiving the completed capsules, my specialist is not liable for the usage or effects of the capsules, including but not limited to any other person(s) ingesting my own placenta capsules. Upon receiving my completed placenta capsules, I waive any and all rights to hold my specialist responsible for any undesired effect or differing benefits of consuming the capsules.